Posted on 7/10/2018

Before you head out on your Summer road trip, take a look at these tips to prepare your vehicle that All Tech Automotive found on Mobil. Car maintenance checklist for road trips The summer road trip is as American as apple pie and Fourth of July fireworks, so don’t fail in your national duty to hit the road this year just because Old Nellie is overdue for some car maintenance. Those who neglect to do a quick mechanical check-over – even of newer cars – before taking to the highway are begging to be stranded. We’re not talking about rebuilding the cylinder head or performing a line-bore on the crankshaft mains. Below are just a few reminders that may slip your mental checklist in the rush to get bags packed and kids fed. Your family is counting on you to take a few preventative measures before you hurl them into the gauntlet of our national highway system. Engine oil Check your oil levels and the date you’re due for an oil change, preferabl ... read more
Posted on 7/3/2018

Although it is not the end result for soft tires, in a pinch, Fix-a-Flat can a great option to help plug a hole until you're able to get your car to a mechanic. This article about how to use Fix-a-Flat comes from ThoughtCo. How to Use Fix-a-Flat There is nothing exciting about getting a flat tire. In fact, it can be the immediate end to an otherwise enjoyable time. Is that aerosol can a true emergency flat tire repair tool or would it be better used to flag down a trucker via his windshield? Roadside tire sealants are a constant source for debate amongst car people. Classic car drivers often don't even have room for a proper spare tire in their vehicles, so one of these products is the only chance they have on the side of the road outside of calling for the flatbed hauler to scoop them up. Remember, if an auto repair product seems too good to be true, it probably is. Now forget you ever heard that for a minute. Fix-a-Flat is the real deal, and it's the original roadside fl ... read more