Now that the warmer weather is here, more people are likely to be traveling with their pets. Here are some safety tips to know that All Tech Automotive wanted to share with you. This article comes from

Traveling With Your Pet
These days, you see portable pups just about everywhere―restaurants, grocery stores, and even at the movies. Thanks to a bevy of young Hollywood types toting around their mini mutts, it has become all the rage with those that follow the trends of the moment. Dress the canine in a $1,000 outfit, and you're ready for the bright lights.
So our pets are traveling from point A to point B with us more than ever, whether for the traditional trip to the park for a game of fetch or to more extravagant places like the salon or mall.
Regardless of whether the expedition is a quick jaunt across town or a family haul clear across the continent, there are measures you can take to make sure your best pal (whether feline or canine) is comfortable and able to make the journey without too much stress.
Dogs Love Cars―Well, Some Dogs
If you have an insistent pooch, it will want to be right where the action is: in the front seat, preferably sitting up, with its head hanging out the window for quick whiffs of the city. While we may think nothing of this and the dog may love every minute of it, tongue flapping in the wind and a tail-wagging smile, there are two problems.
The Window Problem
First, no matter the distance of the trip, a dog should not be allowed to hang its head out of the window. This seems to break with tradition and your dog may pitch a fit, but you need to think of your pet's overall safety. Not only can debris or litter whack the dog, but the heavy airflow, especially if it is chilly, in general, can damage the animal's respiratory system.
Airbags Are No Fun
The second problem is where the dog is perched: in the passenger seat. It is always recommended that the dog is in the back seat or storage area of the vehicle, especially if the car is equipped with airbags.
While airbags are a great safety asset to adults at the time of an accident, they can wreak havoc on tots and dogs. If your car does not have a passenger-side airbag, however, it is usually acceptable for the dog to ride along in the front seat, as long as they are properly restrained.
Restraint Harnesses
Harnessing your pooch may sound like some form of torture, but it is an excellent safety option, particularly if you have a large breed of dog. Most harnesses you will find on the market are exceptionally comfortable and allow you to connect the restraint directly into the existing seat belt.
Your dog may complain a bit, but once it figures out there is some autonomy to move about, it will quickly settle in for the ride. Roll down the window enough for it to catch its favorite scents, and life in the car should be groovy.
Some of the restraint systems even come with bed-like boxes, along with the harnesses. These are popular with mid-size and smaller pups.
Of course, some dogs will go nuts in the car no matter what and want to be able to move about in a vehicle freely. This is dangerous and causes the driver to remove attention from the road. The last thing you want to see is a driver talking on the phone, eating a Big Mac, and trying to get a barking dog out of the front seat.
Leaving Pets in the Car
Many pups tend to get serious separation anxiety. This leads to a major destruction of the backyard, endless howling and whining, and some pretty red-faced neighbors. Most of the time, the anxiety comes from being left alone, and when you're traveling, your dog shouldn't be left alone for long.
Even if you think you'll just be in the convenience store for a minute, and even if you crack open the windows, the dog may have troubles.
Stats do not lie: dogs die in hot cars. So do cats, kids, and videotapes. It is a bit of a no-brainer that you would not leave your child in the car with no water on a 100-degree day! But somehow people think dogs are different from humans. They are: they have fur. You know what it is like opening the door to the car on a hot day. Imagine your dog in there with a fur coat.
The same can be said with the cold. Dogs will freeze despite the fur. So on these types of days, keep the pet at home where it can remain comfortable.
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